Here's a fix for the missing scrollbar in the Gifts menu:
in items.rpy (around line 408 or so... I've done a lot of editing so my line numbers are off)
Indent the if statements all the way down just like that... four spaces each, not tabs.
The bottom of that section will look like this (you want the None button outside the for loop):
Also the check for Sally's Dress is duplicated. Not hurting anything, but I hate sloppy code so I deleted one.
in items.rpy (around line 408 or so... I've done a lot of editing so my line numbers are off)
screen gift_menu():
add "intro_sign.png" xalign .95 ypos 50
vbox pos 1100,75 xsize 400:
text "Gifts" size 48 color "#ffffff" bold True italic True
viewport xysize 500,750 scrollbars "vertical":
for i in player.inventory.inventory:
if i.amount>0 and i.item.label!=0:
textbutton action [SetVariable("store_purchase",i.item),Return()] hovered SetVariable("tooltip",i.item.desc) unhovered SetVariable("tooltip","") text_size 36 text_color "#ffffff"
The bottom of that section will look like this (you want the None button outside the for loop):
if i.amount>0 and i.item.label==0 and i.item==item_taryn_swimsuit and girl_current==cultist_1_char:
textbutton action [SetVariable("store_purchase",i.item),Return()] hovered SetVariable("tooltip",i.item.desc) unhovered SetVariable("tooltip","") text_size 36 text_color "#ffffff"
textbutton "None" action Return()