First, not again that "aunt invites MC over to live with his cousins" again... at least the end (which came way to early) suggests there is some strange twist with other dimensions or whatever going on.
Second, this is short. The only scene with some pussy you see is a wet dream, right at the start. Don't want to generalize here, but VNs that start out with this cheap "trick" are most often lacking in all other fields. Yeah, you can craft decent pussy, good - but is there more substance here?
It is short even for a first release, takes maybe 10 minutes.
No choices - yet (I hope).
Renders are ok, nothing to write home about - maybe sightly better than average. Not a fan of the model in the wet dream. All other characters shown are male until now, I guess Speed is female but she is clothed in way that doesn't really show much.
Music: none. But still better than generic shit you turn off anyways.
Also the english is a bit mangled. Mostly with whom the sentence is refering to. Some examples:
Jhonatan: "She's been trying to find here parents for the past day" 1. he is refering to the MCs parents and also 2. "for the past day"?
Jhonatan: "But there were substancs that didn't allow us to reach you sooner." - what? substances? Even google translate can make sense of that.
Jhonatan: "Since I've never heard of you before" when he means the MC has never heard before of the aunt.
Woman on the phone (Talking with Jhonatan): "I can't wait to see you" - Feels like she can't wait to see the MC, not big old J.
Women on the phone (talking with Jhonatan): "Don't let anything happen to you" - I think this talk was supposed to be between MC and the aunt (w.o.t.p.) and not between J. and the aunt. My guess would be the renders/scene were/was changed and the text was not.
There isn't much there yet. I would say there is potential, but maybe wait 2 or 3 updates (if they are all this "length") to find out if this is for you.