An Update for the Future of Suite 69
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Hey everyone.
Togi and I have been discussing a lot of things over the last few weeks, and we've decided(with pretty heavy hearts) to put Suite on hiatus for the time being. To clarify, we both love the project and will be returning to it when we have the time/resources, but we need to be realistic with ourselves and say that it's maybe missed its mark a little bit. We've discussed it to death over the last 2 weeks, and we both feel it's maybe a little too niche for the audience we should be trying to appeal to. I wanted to get this post out before the month rolled over to March so that people had time to cancel their patreon before the charge rolled over. You guys have given us incredible support over the last few months, and for that we're incredibly grateful. All of you are amazing. In the meantime, until Togi and I can work on Suite again, we're both going to be working on a few other projects(some apart, some together), so if you'd like to stick around for when news of that drops, please do. Otherwise, once again, thank you for your time and support, and we both hope you enjoyed your stay.
(note from Togi): Glass has a small game he's close to releasing, we're working on a game together, and i'm beginning work on animations - all 3D and porn. if you have any questions i'd be happy to answer, but the long and short of it is that though WE love Suite, we can't give it the work it needs with the support we have for it so far, four months into its development. I'm going to be sending a message out to patrons to ensure you all get the same notice before I remake this patreon for the new things we'll be producing. We'd be happy for you to stick around but of course will understand if not since it's not the cute, 2D game you all joined for!
When we revisit Suite we will most likely be remaking it in 3D - but it'll be after we've gathered the support it takes to make a game and see it through to the end of its development. Again, sorry for the radio silence here lately - it's actually been kinda heartbreaking to have to do this since this is our first baby!
I think it was a huge learning lesson for us in what Glass said about appealing to a larger audience - people have wildly contrasting opinions on these things, and we knew that any decision we made with Suite (how deep to make the girls personalities, for example) would displease half the community because they very clearly want a more hardcore, less cute, less personality-based experience. It was really uncomfortable trying to make something out of these girls knowing that 80% of the people playing the game is going to skip over everything to get to the sex scenes, yknow? That and a lot of other things I don't really need to get into.
Point is, we learned a lot and are gonna tackle the next project as hard as ever, just with a clearer idea of what people want
Thank you!