#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import codecs
import pickle
import errno
import random
# def _unmangle(data):
# return data.encode('latin1')
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
def _unmangle(data):
return data
elif sys.version_info[0] == 2:
def _unmangle(data):
return data.encode('latin1')
def _unpickle(data):
# Specify latin1 encoding to prevent raw byte values from causing an ASCII decode error.
return pickle.loads(data, encoding='latin1')
class RenPyArchive:
file = None
handle = None
files = {}
indexes = {}
version = None
padlength = 0
key = None
verbose = False
RPA2_MAGIC = 'RPA-2.0 '
RPA3_MAGIC = 'RPA-3.0 '
RPA3_2_MAGIC = 'RPA-3.2 '
# For backward compatibility, otherwise Python3-packed archives won't be read by Python2
def __init__(self, file=None, version=3, padlength=0, key=0xDEADBEEF, verbose=False):
self.padlength = padlength
self.key = key
self.verbose = verbose
if file is not None:
self.version = version
def __del__(self):
if self.handle is not None:
# Determine archive version.
def get_version(self):
magic = self.handle.readline().decode('utf-8')
if magic.startswith(self.RPA3_2_MAGIC):
return 3.2
elif magic.startswith(self.RPA3_MAGIC):
return 3
elif magic.startswith(self.RPA2_MAGIC):
return 2
elif self.file.endswith('.rpi'):
return 1
raise ValueError('the given file is not a valid Ren\'Py archive, or an unsupported version')
# Extract file indexes from opened archive.
def extract_indexes(self):
indexes = None
if self.version in [2, 3, 3.2]:
# Fetch metadata.
metadata = self.handle.readline()
vals = metadata.split()
offset = int(vals[1], 16)
if self.version == 3:
self.key = 0
for subkey in vals[2:]:
self.key ^= int(subkey, 16)
elif self.version == 3.2:
self.key = 0
for subkey in vals[3:]:
self.key ^= int(subkey, 16)
# Load in indexes.
contents = codecs.decode(self.handle.read(), 'zlib')
indexes = _unpickle(contents)
# Deobfuscate indexes.
if self.version in [3, 3.2]:
obfuscated_indexes = indexes
indexes = {}
for i in obfuscated_indexes.keys():
if len(obfuscated_indexes[i][0]) == 2:
indexes[i] = [ (offset ^ self.key, length ^ self.key) for offset, length in obfuscated_indexes[i] ]
indexes[i] = [ (offset ^ self.key, length ^ self.key, prefix) for offset, length, prefix in obfuscated_indexes[i] ]
indexes = pickle.loads(codecs.decode(self.handle.read(), 'zlib'))
return indexes
# Generate pseudorandom padding (for whatever reason).
def generate_padding(self):
length = random.randint(1, self.padlength)
padding = bytearray()
while length > 0:
padding.append(random.randint(1, 255))
length -= 1
return bytes(padding)
# Converts a filename to archive format.
def convert_filename(self, filename):
(drive, filename) = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.normpath(filename).replace(os.sep, '/'))
return filename
# Debug (verbose) messages.
def verbose_print(self, message):
if self.verbose:
# List files in archive and current internal storage.
def list(self):
return list(self.indexes.keys()) + list(self.files.keys())
# Check if a file exists in the archive.
def has_file(self, filename):
return filename in self.indexes.keys() or filename in self.files.keys()
# Read file from archive or internal storage.
def read(self, filename):
filename = self.convert_filename(filename)
# Check if the file exists in our indexes.
if filename not in self.files and filename not in self.indexes:
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'the requested file {0} does not exist in the given Ren\'Py archive'.format(
# If it's in our opened archive index, and our archive handle isn't valid, something is obviously wrong.
if filename not in self.files and filename in self.indexes and self.handle is None:
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'the requested file {0} does not exist in the given Ren\'Py archive'.format(
# Check our simplified internal indexes first, in case someone wants to read a file they added before without saving, for some unholy reason.
if filename in self.files:
self.verbose_print('Reading file {0} from internal storage...'.format(filename))
return self.files[filename]
# We need to read the file from our open archive.
# Read offset and length, seek to the offset and read the file contents.
if len(self.indexes[filename][0]) == 3:
(offset, length, prefix) = self.indexes[filename][0]
(offset, length) = self.indexes[filename][0]
prefix = ''
self.verbose_print('Reading file {0} from data file {1}... (offset = {2}, length = {3} bytes)'.format(
filename, self.file, offset, length))
return _unmangle(prefix) + self.handle.read(length - len(prefix))
# Modify a file in archive or internal storage.
def change(self, filename, contents):
# Our 'change' is basically removing the file from our indexes first, and then re-adding it.
self.add(filename, contents)
# Add a file to the internal storage.
def add(self, filename, contents):
filename = self.convert_filename(filename)
if filename in self.files or filename in self.indexes:
raise ValueError('file {0} already exists in archive'.format(filename))
self.verbose_print('Adding file {0} to archive... (length = {1} bytes)'.format(
filename, len(contents)))
self.files[filename] = contents
# Remove a file from archive or internal storage.
def remove(self, filename):
if filename in self.files:
self.verbose_print('Removing file {0} from internal storage...'.format(filename))
del self.files[filename]
elif filename in self.indexes:
self.verbose_print('Removing file {0} from archive indexes...'.format(filename))
del self.indexes[filename]
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'the requested file {0} does not exist in this archive'.format(filename))
# Load archive.
def load(self, filename):
if self.handle is not None:
self.file = filename
self.files = {}
self.handle = open(self.file, 'rb')
self.version = self.get_version()
self.indexes = self.extract_indexes()
# Save current state into a new file, merging archive and internal storage, rebuilding indexes, and optionally saving in another format version.
def save(self, filename=None):
if filename is None:
filename = self.file
if filename is None:
raise ValueError('no target file found for saving archive')
if self.version != 2 and self.version != 3:
raise ValueError('saving is only supported for version 2 and 3 archives')
self.verbose_print('Rebuilding archive index...')
# Fill our own files structure with the files added or changed in this session.
files = self.files.copy()
# First, read files from the current archive into our files structure.
for file in list(self.indexes.keys()):
content = self.read(file)
# Remove from indexes array once read, add to our own array.
del self.indexes[file]
files[file] = content
# Predict header length, we'll write that one last.
if self.version == 3:
offset = 34
elif self.version == 2:
offset = 25
archive = open(filename, 'wb')
# Build our own indexes while writing files to the archive.
indexes = {}
self.verbose_print('Writing files to archive file...')
for file, content in files.items():
# Generate random padding, for whatever reason.
if self.padlength > 0:
padding = self.generate_padding()
offset += len(padding)
# Update index.
if self.version == 3:
indexes[file] = [ (offset ^ self.key, len(content) ^ self.key) ]
elif self.version == 2:
indexes[file] = [ (offset, len(content)) ]
offset += len(content)
# Write the indexes.
self.verbose_print('Writing archive index to archive file...')
archive.write(codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(indexes, self.PICKLE_PROTOCOL), 'zlib'))
# Now write the header.
self.verbose_print('Writing header to archive file... (version = RPAv{0})'.format(self.version))
if self.version == 3:
archive.write('{}{:016x} {:08x}\n'.format(self.RPA3_MAGIC, offset, self.key).encode('utf-8'))
archive.write('{}{:016x}\n'.format(self.RPA2_MAGIC, offset).encode('utf-8'))
# We're done, close it.
# Reload the file in our inner database.
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='A tool for working with Ren\'Py archive files.',
epilog='The FILE argument can optionally be in ARCHIVE=REAL format, mapping a file in the archive file system to a file on your real file system. An example of this: rpatool -x test.rpa script.rpyc=/home/foo/test.rpyc',
parser.add_argument('archive', metavar='ARCHIVE', help='The Ren\'py archive file to operate on.')
parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILE', nargs='*', help='Zero or more files to operate on.')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true', help='List files in archive ARCHIVE.')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--extract', action='store_true', help='Extract FILEs from ARCHIVE.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--create', action='store_true', help='Create ARCHIVE from FILEs.')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete', action='store_true', help='Delete FILEs from ARCHIVE.')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--append', action='store_true', help='Append FILEs to ARCHIVE.')
parser.add_argument('-2', '--two', action='store_true', help='Use the RPAv2 format for creating/appending to archives.')
parser.add_argument('-3', '--three', action='store_true', help='Use the RPAv3 format for creating/appending to archives (default).')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', metavar='KEY', help='The obfuscation key used for creating RPAv3 archives, in hexadecimal (default: 0xDEADBEEF).')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--padding', metavar='COUNT', help='The maximum number of bytes of padding to add between files (default: 0).')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help='An alternative output archive file when appending to or deleting from archives, or output directory when extracting.')
parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Print this help and exit.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Be a bit more verbose while performing operations.')
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='rpatool v0.8', help='Show version information.')
arguments = parser.parse_args()
# Determine RPA version.
if arguments.two:
version = 2
version = 3
# Determine RPAv3 key.
if 'key' in arguments and arguments.key is not None:
key = int(arguments.key, 16)
key = 0xDEADBEEF
# Determine padding bytes.
if 'padding' in arguments and arguments.padding is not None:
padding = int(arguments.padding)
padding = 0
# Determine output file/directory and input archive
if arguments.create:
archive_file = None
output = arguments.archive
archive_file = arguments.archive
if arguments.outfile is not None:
output = arguments.outfile
# Default output directory for extraction is the current directory.
if arguments.extract:
output = '.'
output = arguments.archive
archive = RenPyArchive(archive_file, padlength=padding, key=key, version=version, verbose=arguments.verbose)
except IOError as e:
print('Could not open archive file {0} for reading: {1}'.format(archive_file, e), file=sys.stderr)
if arguments.create or arguments.append:
# We need this separate function to recursively process directories.
def add_file(filename):
# If the archive path differs from the actual file path, as given in the argument,
# extract the archive path and actual file path.
if '=' in filename:
outfile, filename = filename.split('=', 1)
outfile = filename
if os.path.isdir(filename):
for file in os.listdir(filename):
# We need to do this in order to maintain a possible ARCHIVE=REAL mapping between directories.
add_file(outfile + '/' + file + '=' + filename + '/' + file)
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_obj:
archive.add(outfile, file_obj.read())
except Exception as e:
print('Could not add file {0} to archive: {1}'.format(filename, e), file=sys.stderr)
# Iterate over the given files to add to archive.
for filename in arguments.files:
# Set version for saving, and save.
archive.version = version
except Exception as e:
print('Could not save archive file: {0}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr)
elif arguments.delete:
# Iterate over the given files to delete from the archive.
for filename in arguments.files:
except Exception as e:
print('Could not delete file {0} from archive: {1}'.format(filename, e), file=sys.stderr)
# Set version for saving, and save.
archive.version = version
except Exception as e:
print('Could not save archive file: {0}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr)
elif arguments.extract:
# Either extract the given files, or all files if no files are given.
if len(arguments.files) > 0:
files_to_extract = arguments.files
files_to_extract = archive.list()
# Create output directory if not present.
if not os.path.exists(output):
# Iterate over files to extract.
for filename in files_to_extract:
if '=' in filename:
outfile, filename = filename.split('=', 1)
outfile = filename
contents = archive.read(filename)
# Create output directory for file if not present.
full_output_path = os.path.join(output, outfile)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_output_path), exist_ok=True)
with open(full_output_path, 'wb') as file_obj:
except Exception as e:
print('Could not extract file {0} from archive: {1}'.format(filename, e), file=sys.stderr)
elif arguments.list:
# Print the sorted file list.
file_list = archive.list()
for file in file_list:
print('No operation given :(')
print('Use {0} --help for usage details.'.format(sys.argv[0]))