The biggest problem with your project might be that the older generation no longer believes in the success of this brand. Over the lifespan of Flash games, a dozen LoK projects have been released, and none were even halfway completed. Meanwhile, the younger generation has no idea this even exists...
This specific thought appeared in my head a few weeks ago with the launch of
Azure Tales.
You're right, past projects haven't reached their full potential, and evolving generations is a valid concern. But I have plans to address this.
This revival is a passion project for me, but it's also part of a larger vision for the community. Think beyond just this one project. Imagine a space where we can revive and build upon past efforts of other abandoned projects. As things develop, I'll be sure to share more details about the future roadmap and how the community can get involved. That said, I don't plan on committing to it until I either get LOKRC to the original v0.8 state or there's enough community engagement to justify it.
(We do, however, already have a modest but very nice server infrastructure, tho)
I'm basically alone in this; the rest of the founding maintainers aren't engaged in the same way. I don't blame them—everyone has different priorities, and I understand that they can't be as involved as they once were.
Nonetheless, in the meantime, I'll keep developing LOKRC.